Mini C-Arms OEC 6600
Mini C-Arms OEC 6600

Mini C-Arms OEC 6600 Product Description:

The OEC 6600 Mini C-arm has become an established instrument in outpatient hand and foot surgery settings, aiding in diagnosis and treatment and resulting in a significantly lower radiation exposure for the patients. The OEC 6600 system has long been the gold standard in the industry. This Mini C-arm is offered in two packages: Clinical Package and Hospital Package. The 6600 is offered in a 4″ or 6″ single mode II, as well as a 6/4″ dual mode II.

OEC 6600 Mini C-Arm:

6″/4″ Image Intensifier (I.I.)

Dual 16″ Hi-Resolution Monitors

Clinical or Hospital Platforms

63 or 200 Image Storage

LIH (Last Image Hold)

MARS (Motion Artifact Reduction System)

Real-time Averaging

Automatic Digital Brightness and Contrast Control

Edge Enhancement


Hardcopy Options:

Thermal printer

External DICOM box

Image Capture Device(Medi-Capture)

X-Ray Tube:

Type – Fixed anode, tungsten filament

Target Angle – 13.5 degrees

Focal Spot – 0.25 x 0.25 millimeters

Filtration Inherent – 0.2 mm Al equivalent

Total – 1.8 mm Al equivalent

Beam Quality Minimum – HVL 2.6 mm Al @ 70 kV

Leakage Technique Factors – 75 kV and 100 pA

X-ray Tube Rating – 80 kilovolts maximum

Height: 163.2cm (64.25 inches)

Width: 69.21cm (27.25 inches)

Depth: 69.21cm (27.25 inches)

Max. Front: 15.94cm (62.75 inches)

Max. Height Up: 17.90cm (705 inches)

Min. Height Down: 22.30cm (8.75 inches)

100, 240 VAC; 6,4A

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